/impact needs your permission to create tipping casts on your behalf
What is /impact
/impact is working toward an 'Impact = Profit' economy.
We want everyone on Farcaster (and beyond) to prosper simply by making meaning contributions in their community & the world. /impact is the first step in that journey.
We're creating an Impact Market where curators are rewarded for proactively finding and evaluating impactful content and work on Farcaster.
We're then rewarding members for growing this ecosystem and tipping impactful creators & builders.
As the ecosystem grows a feedback loop will start forming between the impact created and the Network Economy.
/impact is currently running a daily 5000 $degen raffle
Your chance to win Impact Rewards grow the more you curate, contribute and invite quality members into the ecosystem
You get a daily allowance of $IMPACT points
Stake these points on casts based on their value to the Farcaster ecosystem
Overvaluing casts can result in a downvote, which lowers your future $IMPACT allowance
90% of rewards flow to creators, and 10% to curators
Don't let your allowance go to waste
Auto-Fund automatically distributes your remaining $degen & $ham allowances to impactful builders and creators on Farcaster - and rewards you in the process
Invite your friends to use Impact Alpha - win rewards.